Erin Paulson
because i am here and you are distant.
books & conservation
conservation: full rebinding
conservation: rebinding with original covers
conservation: screwpost
fine bindings and enclosures
Sights Still Unseen
In times past he described time passing
Here we found the fires of the earth.
Once the wondrous vastness filled us; Now we fill the wondrous vastness
this time I'll carry these with me
after the sun burned her eyes she found her way
Vera had a vision of the village's voice
from them or you or the stars and their voices
what is otherwise lost
between the rain and the clear
I was screaming and no one could hear.
personal statement: conservation and art
curriculum vitae
Vera had a vision of the village's voice
Reclaimed box, pig suede, found objects, handmade kozo paper, original text.
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Vera had a vision of the village's voice.